Western Australia could face Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak in January
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Foreign epidemiologist warns that Western Australia could face Covid-19 outbreak in January. Covid-19 Virus does not care if it is Christmas or anything else.
We have seen the measures that applied in Western Australia your premier Mark McGowan, since the start of the pandemic Covid-19 outbreak, it was very effective to prevent spreading and community transmission.
With opening borders for Christmas holidays with other states of Australia, Western Australia could face Covid-19 outbreak in middle – end of the January.
Western Australia could face Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak in January, foreign epidemiologist said
It will be almost 12 months since Chinese epidemiologist confirmed the existence of a new virus, tough restrictions, lockdowns have not stopped the virus spreading.
It just slows down the spreading of the virus, since not all World Health Organisation recommendations were in place.
From the research and all information, we got that Covid-19 is here a very long time before discovered by Chinese epidemiologists. From Italy, we know that their patients had antibodies for Covid-19 since September 2019.
Spanish researchers say they’ve found coronavirus trace in March 2019 water sample. How long is here the Covid-19 much longer than anyone can imagine.
We know the Covid-19 virus was spreading exponentially rather than arithmetically. People need to keep their distance, wear masks, isolate when they’re sick, wash hands and surfaces.
World Health Organization says the third wave of the coronavirus pandemic is likely on the continent while infections soar to record levels in many countries in 2021, Christmas holidays, many governments are starting to worry about the social and economic impacts that locking down through the feast might carry than prevention. That applies to Europe and the USA. During Thanksgiving, high migration of people in the USA caused the spike of the exponential growth of Covid-19 coronavirus cases.
The main problem I see based on the announcement that people will be crossing the borders without mandatory self-isolation at least 14 days
Why this is very important and mandatory? A person infected with covid-19 coronavirus has tested Negative and no Covid-19 symptoms whatsoever, 7 days later up to 21 days we found that same person that has been in isolation has tested positive for Covid-19.Covid-19 coronavirus is as a trojan-horse, it strikes if you don’t expect it.
The spectrum of potential high risks :
You need to react very quickly especially at the start when the virus is still spreading very slowly in different communities. If you react too slowly, the problem will get bigger very quickly.
We should also remember that not all viruses are airborne, and you can get viruses other ways aside from breathing in virus particles. During the cold winter months, people spend their time cooped up inside in enclosed spaces with others, rather than being out in the open air more. We assume virus will spreading exponentially in Europe and USA. Vaccines can help to slow down the spreading of the virus, but this will take a long time maybe another year or two.
Another problem that can occur is a low level of vitamin D, due to a lack of sunlight exposure during the colder months.
Vitamin D is crucial for an immune system function. A 2018 study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine showed that taking Vitamin D supplements in the amounts of 400 IU/day to 2000 IU/day helped prevent respiratory infections and the common cold.
I would recommend Western Australians to enjoy the summer to gain more Vitamin D and follow the social distancing wherever is possible.
Your Western Australian premier Mark McGowan said
Our controlled interstate border has been in place since the 14th of November and it has been effective. Last Tuesday we announced, based on the latest health advice, that New South Wales and Victoria could both transition to a ‘very low risk’ state.
That transition would occur from Tuesday, the 8th of December.
Unfortunately, just one day later, NSW recorded a case of COVID-19 from a person who worked in their hotel quarantine system.
As a result, we took a decision to carefully monitor the situation in NSW before giving the final go-ahead on the updated border controls.
All through this pandemic, I have made it crystal clear that Western Australia will take a considered, cautious, careful approach to our decision making.
Arrivals at Perth Airport will be subject to a health screening and temperature test.
Western Australia could face Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak in middle-end of January
So, whether the air is hot or cold, or dry or humid, there will still be viruses and bacteria around somewhere. Make sure to always practise good hand hygiene and wash your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds.
Very dry rooms, or living in very dry places, can cause your nasal passages to dry out. If our mucous membranes are dry, our line of defence against germs isn’t as strong. Stay Safe.

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