Public trust in coronavirus vaccines in doubts Covid-19 vaccine questions
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The trust of the public in coronavirus vaccines Covid-19 lowest in history after the report from UK
and the morning University of Queensland disappointment. People with a significant history of allergic reactions should not be given the Pfizer/BioNTech coronavirus vaccine, UK health authorities said Wednesday.
Two staff members who both carried an adrenaline auto-injector and had a history of allergic reactions developed symptoms of anaphylactoid reaction after receiving the vaccine on Tuesday. Thousands overall were vaccinated in the UK on Tuesday, NHS England told on Wednesday.
British Government announced emergency approval of the Pfizer vaccine, followed by the USA and Canada…
How much we really know about the Covid-19 vaccines and safety.
But with COVID-19 still impacting Australians everyday lives, restricting free travel, lockdowns and the return of pre-COVID life, the news of the emergency approval of the Pfizer vaccines and cases of allergic – anaphylactoid reaction sparked some inevitable questions.
We need to be realistic and follow the principles of the vaccine going first where it is needed the most. To elderly patients and people most at risk will be prioritized.
Look at the US and the UK, you have thousands dying and hundreds of thousands infected every day.
Thanks to thanksgiving in the USA the number of cases peak-up.
Public trust in coronavirus vaccines in doubts Covid-19 vaccine questions
Can Covid-19 vaccine stop spreading virus?
Actually, not at the beginning, we know very little about the vaccines their efficiency, side effects at the moment. It can slow the spreading the virus in the initial phase, but it will require to have the whole population vaccinated.
The current global nCoV public health emergency underscores the need to accelerate the development of nCoV candidate vaccines.
Vaccines save millions of lives each year. Vaccines work by training and preparing the body’s natural defences, the immune system, to recognize and fight off the viruses and bacteria they target. If the body is exposed to those disease-causing germs later, the body is immediately ready to destroy them, preventing illness.
Can vaccinated Person spreading the virus?
This is the big unknown from these vaccines, everyone is talking about gaining immunity, but we don’t know whether these vaccines will stop the infection.
We are looking at in the trials is the clinical end-point efficacy. The vaccine has two ways of stopping you getting sick:
1) It might stop you getting infected in the first place
2) It might let you get infected and stop you getting the severe respiratory disease
But at this stage, we cannot confirm if the vaccinated patient can continue spreading the virus.
Could there be any long-term side effects?
According to the World Health organisation, we don’t know yet. To develop vaccines takes many years. At the moment we are talking about emergency approved vaccines by many countries such as UK, Canada, USA.
How many vaccines are developed at the moment world-wide?
There are currently more than 50 COVID-19 vaccine candidates in trials. World Health Organisation is working in collaboration with scientists, business, and global health organizations through the ACT Accelerator to speed up the pandemic response. When a safe and effective vaccine is found, COVAX led by WHO, GAVI and CEPI will facilitate the equitable access and distribution of these vaccines to protect people in all countries. People most at risk will be prioritized.
The claimed efficiency of vaccines is around 95%, what will happen with the rest 5%?
That’s based on clinical trials. That means 95% of vaccinated will not get infested by Covid-19 coronavirus and 5% may still get infected.
This is the biggest immunisation program in this world. This overall effort, the greatest scientific minds trying to make sure there are lots of people vaccinated during 2021. While we work towards rolling out a safe and effective vaccine fairly, we must continue the essential public health actions to suppress transmission and reduce mortality.
The trust of the public toward Covid-19 vaccines is very low after the announcement last 2 days What is the plan?
Any government of this planet can make vaccination compulsory. Anti-vaxers can be prosecuted by the prepared law strip of the benefits if unemployed. The Qantas announced that any person that will not be vaccinated will not be able to board.
World Health Organisation is working with partners Gavi and UNICEF to ensure that the infrastructure is in place, and the technical support available, to make sure COVID-19 vaccines can be safely delivered to all those who need them.
Clinical trials are important to prevent failures, that’s why not many vaccines have not been approved yet. The safety of the vaccines is the first priority. The 2 cases from UK will be investigated, all vaccines made can cause 0.68% allergic reactions. That’s why is important that any health provider will administer the Vaccine after checking patients medical records if you have any severe, life-threatening allergies before taking any vaccine.
Why people cannot choose the vaccine provider or country where it’s made?
This is up to every government and government health organisation to choose the supplier of the vaccines. Australia based on the morning press conference will go AstraZeneca giant manufacturer and Novavax. Manufactured in Australia as the morning announcement of your Prime minister Scott Morrisson. In other countries it can vary depends on the government decision.
How it will be with poor countries that will not be able to afford vaccine?
The World Health Organisation has COVAX Facility that is the global procurement mechanism of COVAX. The COVAX Facility will make investments across a broad portfolio of promising vaccine candidates, including those being supported by CEPI to make sure at-risk investment in manufacturing happens now. This means the COVAX Facility, by pooling purchasing power from all countries that participate, will have rapid access to doses of safe and effective vaccines as soon as they receive regulatory approval. Guided by an allocation framework being developed by WHO, the COVAX Facility will then equitably distribute these doses to help protect the most at-risk groups in all participating countries.
How is with Safety and quality control of vaccines since we see millions of vaccines being transported every day?
Once the vaccine has been made in bulk quantities’, it is bottled in glass vials and then carefully packaged for safe cold storage and transport.
Vaccine packaging must be able to withstand extreme temperatures, as well as the risks involved in being transported globally. Therefore, vaccine vials are most commonly made from glass, as it is durable and able to maintain its integrity in extreme temperatures.
Once vaccines start being administered, national authorities and World Health Organisation constantly monitor for and establish the severity of any possible adverse side effects and responses from people who have received the vaccine. The safety of the vaccine is paramount, with regular assessments and post-approval clinical studies to report on its safety and effectiveness. Studies are often conducted to determine how long a given vaccine remains protective.
Will actually vaccines can help to stop the virus
Yes, Vaccines contain weakened or inactive parts of a particular organism (antigen) that triggers an immune response within the body. Newer vaccines contain the blueprint for producing antigens rather than the antigen itself. Regardless of whether the vaccine is made up of the antigen itself or the blueprint so that the body will produce the antigen, this weakened version will not cause the disease in the person receiving the vaccine, but it will prompt their immune system to respond much as it would have on its first reaction to the actual pathogen.
How long can take until Covid-19 will definitely disappear?
We don’t know it can take a few years. Important is to make sure there are lots of people vaccinated during 2021. The world health organisation immunisation program is the most important. We work towards rolling out vaccines against Covid-19 a safe and effective vaccine fairly, we must continue the essential public health actions to suppress transmission and reduce mortality
Throughout history, humans have successfully developed vaccines for a number of life-threatening diseases, including meningitis, tetanus, measles and wild poliovirus.
In the early 1900s, polio was a worldwide disease, paralysing hundreds of thousands of people every year. By 1950, two effective vaccines against the disease had been developed. But vaccination in some parts of the world was still not common enough to stop the spread of polio, particularly in Africa. In the 1980s, a united worldwide effort to eradicate polio from the planet began. Over many years and several decades, polio vaccination, using routine immunization visits and mass vaccination campaigns, has taken place in all continents. Millions of people, mostly children, have been vaccinated and in August 2020, the African continent was certified wild poliovirus free, joining all other parts of the world except Pakistan and Afghanistan, where polio has not yet been eradicated.
Vaccines are developed to save the lives and we must ensure they are safe

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