Pfizer vaccine experts warn after 23 elderly people died in Norway
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23 elderly people have died in Norway due to side effects of administered Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine. Norway launched its Covid-19 immunization program on December 27 2020, including residents of nursing homes on the priority list. Since then, 23 people have died shortly after receiving the injections. Norwegian health specialists are evaluating all such cases and have linked 23 of them to the side effects of the Pfizer vaccine, according to local media.
Many health experts called on Norway and other countries to suspend the use of mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines produced by companies such as Pfizer and BioNTech especially among elderly people, due to the vaccines safety uncertainties following the deaths of 23 elderly Norwegian people who received the vaccine.
The new mRNA vaccine was developed in haste and had never been used on a large scale for the prevention of infectious disease, and its safety had not been confirmed for large-scale use in humans
The national medicines regulator has revealed. All were frail and elderly people who had unusually strong reactions to the jabs.
Pfizer vaccine experts warns after 23 elderly people died in Norway
We do not see anything alarming with these figures. All deaths are in elderly and frail people with underlying diseases, said Dr Steinar Madsen, the medical director of the national drug regulator, the Norwegian Medicines Agency.
Norway has a population of five million. Between 350 and 400 people die at the nursing homes each week as he predicted that some elderly people may not react well to the vaccine, said Dr Steinar Madsen.
In addition to those who died, there were also 29 vaccine recipients who had developed significant side effects, including nine serious cases and seven mild ones, the official reported.
Pfizer vaccines and allergic reactions
All Covid-19 vaccines can sometimes cause adverse reactions like fever and nausea. The safety of the vaccines is the first priority. The cases from Norway will be investigated, all vaccines made can cause 0.68% allergic reactions. That’s why is important that any health provider will administer the Vaccine after checking patients medical records if you have any severe, life-threatening allergies before taking any vaccine.
All the deaths have occurred in frail, elderly patients in nursing homes. All are over 80 years old and some of them over 90, Norwegian media NRK reported.
The death incidents in Norway also proved that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines efficacy was not as good as expected, experts said.
Two COVID-19 vaccines, Comirnaty, from BioNTec/Pfizer, and Moderna, are used in Norway. The vaccines have been developed on mRNA technology and have received temporary approval in the EU, according to the agency.
Norwegian Public Health Institute updated its Covid-19 vaccination guidelines
earlier this week to reflect the new data. The document now instructs medics to thoroughly evaluate nursing home residents before giving them the vaccine.
For very ill people who are not expected to live long, the benefit of the vaccine may be marginal or negligible, the guidelines say.
Vaccines types and safety mRNA and Inactivated Virus
The mRNA vaccines teach human cells to make a protein to trigger an immune response; then, the immune response can protect people from getting infected if the real virus enters the body.
Meanwhile, toxic substances may be developed throughout the process of mRNA vaccinations; thus, the safety of vaccines cannot be fully ensured.
Inactivated virus vaccines have more mature technology, and much safer.
Immunologist said that World should suspend the use of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine represented by Pfizer, as this new technology has not proven safety in large-scale use or in preventing any infectious diseases.
Older people, especially those over 80, should not be recommended to receive any COVID-19 vaccine.
People over 80 years old have a weaker immune system and are more prone to adverse effect thus they should be recommended to take medicines to improve their immune system.
Pfizer vaccine experts warn after 23 elderly people died in Norway
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