Alexey Navalny in custody for 30 days breaking the terms of his probation
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A plane carrying opposition figure Alexey Navalny, returning to Russia after treatment in Germany, has landed at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport after being diverted from Vnukovo airport.
Tensions were high at Vnukovo International Airport, located 10 kilometres southwest of Moscow, where a flight from low-cost airline Pobeda with Navalny aboard was initially scheduled to land on Sunday. A large crowd of opposition supporters gathered in Vnukovo in order to greet the man on home soil.
The Vnukovo administration earlier warned that all public gatherings were officially banned on site as part of measures aimed at curbing the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19. Entering the airport building was only allowed for those with valid plane tickets.
Navalny has returned to Russia after spending five months in Germany, where he recovered from an alleged poisoning attempt.
Alexey Navalny in custody for 30 days breaking the terms of his probation from 2014
Monday’s decision means that he will be detained for 30 days awaiting trial. Navalny is accused of breaking the terms of his probation, following a three-and-a-half-year suspended sentence he received in 2014. That conviction relates to a fraud case involving the French cosmetics brand Yves Rocher.
About Novichok and poisoning of Alexey Navalny
A Novichok agent is a group of nerve agents, some of which are binary chemical weapons. The agents were developed at the GosNIIOKhT state chemical research institute by the Soviet Union and Russia between 1971 and 1993. Some Novichok agents at STP are solids while others are liquids. It is thought that dispersal for the solids is possible by ultrafine powder.
Nerve agent Novichok has laboratories in USSR, Former Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia & Romania.
Precursor chemicals were made at the Pavlodar Chemical Plant in Soviet Kazakhstan, which was also thought to be the intended Novichok weapons production site until its still-under-construction chemical warfare agent production building was demolished in 1987.
Since its independence in 1991, Uzbekistan has been working with the government of the United States to dismantle and decontaminate the sites where the Novichok agents and other chemical weapons were tested and developed. Between 1999 and 2002 the United States Department of Defense dismantled the major research and testing site for Novichok at the Chemical Research Institute in Nukus.
If we check which countries have access to Novichok it’s all former countries of the USSR, United States of America, all former countries Czechia, Slovakia, Kazachstan, Poland & Former Yugoslavia.
German medics claimed that their tests showed the opposition politician Alexey Navalny was poisoned with the nerve agent Novichok. Navalny himself has blamed the Kremlin for being behind the attack against him.
Russian authorities have denied those accusations on many occasions, pointing out Berlin’s unwillingness to provide them with the activist’s medical data or jointly investigate the incident.
Facts about Novichok A-262 and the poisoning of Alexey Navalny
A-262 is an organophosphate nerve agent. It was developed in the Soviet Union under the FOLIANT program and is one of the group of compounds referred to as Novichok agents that were revealed by Vil Mirzayanov. Mirzayanov gives little specific information about A-262, stating that it is highly toxic but no figures are given to compare it to other related agents. It is reportedly a solid rather than a volatile liquid as with most nerve agents, and in order to weaponise it successfully, it had to be milled into a fine powder form that could be dispersed as dust. It is 5 times more potent than VX.
Was Alexey Navalny poisoned by the Kremlin? The answer is no. Reasons:
Novichoks were designed to be more toxic than other chemical weapons, so some versions would begin to take effect rapidly in the order of 30 seconds to two minutes. The main route of exposure is likely to be through inhalation or ingestion, though they could also be absorbed through the skin. It is 5 times more potent than VX!!
If he was really poisoned by the nerve agent Novichok, he would be not able to enter the flight and would be stopped by the Airport security showing significant symptoms of poisoning.
If Alexey Navalny was really poisoned by Novichok it was most likely a few minutes before landing in Berlin. Berlin has not provided medical records of Alexey Navalny to the media. I hope the Russian Federation will start an investigation, how someone smuggled Novichok on board an International Flight. How anyone possessed the Novichok A-262.
Personal opinion about Novichok A-262 used previously
If you want to blame the Russian Federation, use nerve agent Novichok A-262 it is usually standard just to impose more sanctions against Russia. Even we know that access to Novichok have so many countries including the USA & UK. But because it was made in the USSR it is easy to point the finger at the Kremlin.
Same as with BUK air defence missile system developed in 1972 and made in the USSR. Many countries still own this system such as the former USSR, Yugoslavia, Poland & Czechoslovakia. But since it is USSR it is reported by all mainstream media that RUSSIA did it.
Many people & many independent Journalists these days simply do not believe that anyone from Russia would use nerve agent Novichok, it becomes a cliche of the mainstream media Novichok = Russia or Putin did it. No one is asking questions whatsoever. For most of us, it looks like someone did it, just to point the finger at the Kremlin or Russia as usual.
Some leaders from Western countries accused Russia of politically motivated detention of Alexey Navalny
Facts :
Alexey Navalny has been remanded in custody following an impromptu court hearing in Khimki police station, near Moscow. He was arrested at the airport on Sunday, shortly after landing in Russia.
Monday’s decision means that he will be detained for 30 days awaiting trial. Navalny is accused of breaking the terms of his probation, following a three-and-a-half-year suspended sentence he received in 2014. That conviction relates to a fraud case involving the French cosmetics brand Yves Rocher.
If this will happen in Australia the public will demand prosecution by law, no politician is above the law!! I do not understand why Western countries want to meddle with internal affairs and the law of the Russian Federation. As far as I know the Russian federation is still a sovereign country and not a colony of the West.
Alexey Navalny in custody for 30 days breaking the terms of his probation from 2014
The Navalny brothers, Alexei and Oleg, were accused of stealing 30 million rubles, around $500,000 at the current exchange rate, from two firms including an affiliate of the French cosmetics company Yves Rocher between 2008 and 2012.
Officials have taken few steps to investigate Navalny’s corruption allegations – 2014.
Navalny is accused of breaking the terms of his probation, following a three-and-a-half-year suspended sentence he received in 2014. That conviction relates to a fraud case involving the French cosmetics brand Yves Rocher.
Alexey Navalny in custody for 30 days breaking the terms of his probation from 2014
Since Berlin never provided a medical record of Alexey Navalny to the media nor for the Russian Federation.
We can just assume that he was really poisoned by Novichok or not? Or it is just propaganda to change the leader of the Russian Federation?
Ask your self why so many Western countries have a strong desire to see Alexey Navalny as President of the Russian Federation supported by Western mainstream media & activists.
No one is allowed to ask questions.
Everyone remembers Hillary Clinton ranting that Vladimir Putin rigged the US elections in favour of Donald Trump. Bold claims without evidence.
She claimed that Russia shot down MH17, a plane that looked from the ground exactly like the Russian presidential aircraft. Not to mention the schedule was very similar to MH17.
I can say that Putin’s plane and the Malaysian Boeing intersected at the same point and the same echelon. That was close to Warsaw on 330-m echelon at the height of 10,100 meters. The Russian presidential jet was there at 16:21 Moscow time and the Malaysian aircraft – 15:44 Moscow time.
The contours of the aircraft are similar, linear dimensions are also very similar, as for the colouring, at a quite remote distance they are almost identical.
When MH17 Malaysian airline was shot down the sky was clear, that means anyone from the ground was able to recognize the plane.
Sorry, many are not eating the blame game anymore against Russia.
Julie Bishop from the liberal party Australia was a best friend until the end of Hillary Clinton ranting against Russia. She Expelled Russian diplomats from Australia with Malcolm Turnbull – spies that were trying to destroy Australian sovereignty!! The big threat to Australian democracy…
It cost in the end exports of small Australian producers to Russia & imposing sanctions against Bad Russia..
The Russia blame game started in Ukraine since 2004 & heavily supported by World leaders and mainstream media
Former president of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko active president of Ukraine 23 January 2005 – 25 February 2010 became seriously ill in early September 2004. TCDD poisoning – US-made Orange agent.
Agent Orange is a herbicide and defoliant chemical, one of the “tactical use” Rainbow Herbicides. It is widely known for its use by the U.S. military as part of its chemical warfare program, Operation Ranch Hand, during the Vietnam War from 1961 to 1971. Let’s call by the right word – the chemical weapon.
Many have linked Yushchenko’s poisoning to dinner with a group of senior Ukrainian officials Volodymyr Satsyuk former deputy head of Ukraine’s intelligence agency. Meanwhile living in exile in Moscow.
On 27 September 2009, Yushchenko said in an interview aired on Channel 1+1 that the testimony of three men who were at a dinner in 2004 at which he believes he was poisoned is crucial to finishing the investigation, andhe claimed these men were in Russia. Another speculation of Western countries and mainstream media without bulletproof evidence
Reasons why western countries want Alexey Navalny to be the president of the Russian federation
I can name many other reasons. At the moment it is clearly visible the foreign interference with internal affairs/matters and sovereignty of the Russian Federation that incited Alexey Navalny.
If this would happen in Australia the politician that incites foreign countries meddling with our internal affairs/matters sovereignty will be charged for treason against Australia.
My personal opinions based on the information we all have about Alexey Navalny. He should be charged and investigated for:
Ask your self which politician will request sanctions from Western Countries against his own country? It will have an impact on ordinary Russian people, but he probably does not care about Russian people. It’s all about getting the Presidential chair and celebrating victory with his Western supporters.
I had the chance to read Russian forums & 95% of Russian people want Navalny behind bars and to be prosecuted by law. 5%, not even Russian citizens support Navalny. That tells a lot! Foreign interference is clearly visible!!

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