Perth Lockdown Update Contact register Now in effect Western Australia
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Perth Lockdown update Sunday 31 of January Western Australia recorded one new case of local transmission, involving a security guard at one of the State’s hotel quarantine facilities the Sheraton Four Points in the city. He had tested negative for COVID-19 on January Friday 15, January Sunday 17 and Saturday, January 23 – as part of the weekly testing system in place.
Exactly how the infection was acquired remains under investigation.
The man’s immediate household contacts have been contacted, tested and placed in isolation at State managed quarantine facilities to complete a 14-day quarantine period in a quarantine facility.
All three have tested negative so far. However, Western Australia health department expects that they will become positive in the coming days due to the incubation period.
Genome sequencing is underway on the positive case and results will be known by Tuesday morning.
There have been a lot of rumours and misinformation doing the rounds in the last couple of days so far is only 1 case confirmed from Sunday 31 of January.
The Department of Health has reported no new cases of COVID-19 in WA overnight.
Perth Lockdown Update Information on the five-day lockdown of Perth, Peel and the South West
The whole Perth metropolitan area, the Peel Region and the South West region are now in a full lockdown. This lockdown will run until 6 pm on Friday.
Following discussions with the Chief Health Officer and Police Commissioner, the following measures are now in place from 6 pm for people in Perth, Peel and the South West:
People in these regions are required to stay home, except for the following four reasons:
Exercise, within their neighbourhood, but only with one other person and only for one hour per day.
work for an essential purpose, where you cannot do so from home or remotely
Perth Lockdown Wearing Face Masks is Mandatory
In addition to this stay home rule, if you do leave home you will be required to wear a mask at all times outside and if you need to work indoors, then wearing a mask in the workplace is also mandatory. To be clear, the face mask wearing on public transport is also mandatory.
Masks must be worn at all times outside of your place of residence, including at work, while exercising, on public transport, and in your private vehicle when other passengers are in the vehicle.
Masks are not mandatory for children under 12 years of age or a person who has a physical or mental illness, condition or disability.
Panic buying since Sunday 31 of January shop limits – restrictions
Many shops, supermarket’s were not able to apply limits straight after the sudden announcement of Premier of Western Australia Mark McGowan of five-day Perth lockdown, that left many shelves empty.
At Sunday there were no social distancing, people not wearing a face mask. Some told me they have spent 3 hours in Queue. Parking places were fully stuffed, no trolleys available. At the Supermarket, the staff was coordinating traffic, but no one was prepared for this.
Many people in fear that lockdown should be possible extended for a couple of weeks took over the shops, supermarkets and filled one trolley after another.
Selected Western Australian stores – instore and online – limit of 2 per Product from 1st of February.
Antibacterial Wipes, Canned Fish, Canned Tomatoes, Canned Vegetables, Canned Legumes, Flour, Frozen Chips, Gems and Wedges, Frozen Desserts, Frozen Fruit, Frozen Vegetables, Long Life Milk, Liquid Hand Wash, Noodles, Pasta, Paper Towel, Rice, Sugar, Tissues, Toilet Paper, Bread (loaves), Chilled Pasta, Eggs, Pre-packed Seafood (frozen and fresh), Fresh Milk (excluding flavoured), Meat
Perth Lockdown Do not Travel – restrictions
People in the Perth, Peel or South West region need to stay inside their region for the duration of the lockdown, unless for an essential reason.
For this purpose, Perth and Peel are considered to be one region according to the regional development regional groupings.
We are strongly encouraging that everyone in this area, who is from another WA region, stay here and do not travel further outside of this area until the lockdown is over.
If you do need to travel outside the region you are in now, that can only occur if you need to return to your place of residence or under exceptional circumstances.
The transport of essential goods into this region is permitted, under our existing transport guidelines.
This lockdown means the following businesses, venues and locations in the relevant regions need to close for the next five days:
For a majority of schools in these regions, the school was due to start at Monday. That has now been put on hold and schools will be closed until next week – following the lockdown measures. It is, in effect, an extension of the school holidays.
All these measures will be reviewed regularly and the Chief Health Officer will continue to monitor the serious situation and provide more ongoing advice.
Information about the current local case of COVID-19 and potential exposure sites. The Health Department contact tracing team has pulled together a list of potential exposure sites of where this positive case has been in recent days.
These locations currently include:
New additions today following further contact tracing:
People who have been to these venues on these dates and times must get tested!
In addition, people who live or work in the Falkirk Avenue, Maylands area including Coles, Liquorland and the Maylands shopping precinct should present for a test.
They must then go home and isolate until their negative test results are returned.
The investigation is on-going by our public health team, and it is likely more locations will be added following further discussions with the man.
Close contacts will be contacted by public health officials and asked to quarantine for 14 days.
More information on testing clinics will be available on website –
Anyone in WA will now be assessed for a COVID-19 test if they present with ANY of the following:
If you have these symptoms, please get tested, and help us identify every case of COVID-19 in WA as early as possible.
To find a testing location, please visit: Articles/A_E/ COVID-clinics
Official information regarding COVID-19 in Western Australia –
WA Department of Health information –
National Coronavirus Helpline – 1800 020 080
WA COVID-19 health and information and advice – 13 COVID (13 26843)
Mandatory contact registers expanded from today 2nd of February to keep Western Australia safe
The following Western Australia business premises will also be required to keep a contact register for the purpose of the Department of Health COVID-19 contact tracing:
Perth Lockdown Update Contact register Now in effect Western Australia
Many West Australian expect that Perth Lockdown will be most likely extended for next few weeks.
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