Australia’s choice of vaccine AstraZeneca big concern by health experts
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Australia has secured 54 million doses of the vaccine from Astra Zeneca manufactured in Australia. Many health experts say the efficiency of the Oxford University Astra Zeneca is only 62% and demanding the Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine, which has based on manufacturer 95% efficiency rate against Covid-19 virus and UK variant.
Australia’s Chief medical officer Profesor Paul Kelly and infectious diseases experts have defended securing 54 million doses of a Covid-19 vaccine made by Oxford University and the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca in Australia big doubts and concerns are the vaccine will not be effective enough to achieve herd immunity and protect against Covid-19 virus.
Professor Stephen Turner the President of the Australian and New Zealand Society for Immunology, said that Australia should halt the AstraZeneca vaccine rollout because it has lower efficacy and you cannot rely on it to establish herd immunity.
Can Covid-19 vaccine stop spreading virus?
Actually not, we know very little about the vaccines their efficiency, side effects at the moment. There is not confirmation that the vaccine will stop spreading. It can slow the spreading the virus in the initial phase, but it will require to have the whole population vaccinated.
The current global nCoV public health emergency underscores the need to accelerate the development of nCoV candidate vaccines.
Vaccines save millions of lives each year. Vaccines work by training and preparing the body’s natural defences, the immune system, to recognize and fight off the viruses and bacteria they target. If the body is exposed to those disease-causing germs later, the body is immediately ready to destroy them, preventing illness.
Australia’s choice of vaccine AstraZeneca big concern by health experts
Australia currently has access to 10 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine to be delivered over a year, and 53 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine to be delivered at roughly one million doses a week. We don’t know to what degree these reduce transmission. The AstraZeneca vaccine didn’t reduce asymptomatic infection, and this hasn’t been looked at in the Pfizer vaccine study.
Professor Allen Cheng Co-chair of the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation said it was important to remember that the AstraZeneca vaccine has not yet been registered by Australia’s drugs regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration. Neither has the Pfizer vaccine.
Will actually vaccines can help to stop the virus
Yes, Vaccines contain weakened or inactive parts of a particular organism (antigen) that triggers an immune response within the body. Newer vaccines contain the blueprint for producing antigens rather than the antigen itself. Regardless of whether the vaccine is made up of the antigen itself or the blueprint so that the body will produce the antigen, this weakened version will not cause the disease in the person receiving the vaccine, but it will prompt their immune system to respond much as it would have on its first reaction to the actual pathogen.
We have little information about the efficacy and duration of protection, or the ability of any of the vaccines to prevent transmission. It is an assumption that there will be unlimited availability of what are seen to be the most efficacious vaccines which are currently mRNA vaccines such as the Pfizer vaccine, for everyone. It is and an unrealistic expectation that the elimination of the virus is possible
Necessary revaccination after 2 years is highly possible
The vaccine itself will help to create antibodies against the COvid-19 Virus to help safe lives. But there is big unknown how long the protection will last and if it will be necessary to get another jab after 2 years. So far no manufacturer is not able to answer.
Vaccines AstraZeneca Availability for Australia
The choice is not whether one is better than then other, it’s which one is available to give the maximum rollout of vaccine to save lives and to protect lives this year. And the answer to that is the one we can make here. We don’t have the ability to make mRNA vaccine onshore. They’re all very good vaccines in terms of efficacy for symptomatic illness, said Profesor Paul Kelly
The Pfizer vaccine is a new kind of vaccine, containing strands of genetic material called mRNA. When this enters cells in the body, it instructs them to make a piece of the spike protein that is unique to the virus. Those harmless protein pieces trigger an immune system response so if infected with the real virus, the body will know how to attack
One of the benefits of the AstraZeneca vaccine is that it can be manufactured in Australia, whereas the technology for mass production and cold-chain storage of the newer mRNA vaccines is not available in Australia. Fifty-one million doses of the Novavax protein vaccine have also been secured, and Australia has joined the Covax Facility, which will allow more vaccine doses and other vaccines to be purchased as they become available.
Effeciency of The Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine
is a viral vector vaccine, containing a weak or inactivated virus that cannot cause disease. This virus has genetic material from the Covid-19 virus inserted in it. Once the viral vector is inside human cells, the cells make a protein unique to the Covid-19 virus. This triggers the body to begin to build an immune response.
COVID-19 still impacting Australians everyday lives, restricting free travel, lockdowns and the return of pre-COVID life, sparked some inevitable questions will 62% of efficiency enough.
We need to be realistic and follow the principles of the vaccine going first where it is needed the most. To elderly patients and people most at risk will be prioritized.
We have made a public survey in Perth WA asking 100’s of people if they would get vaccinated if the vaccine will be available tomorrow.
From hundreds of people 89% said NO “Mate that vaccines that have 95% efficiency I would rather take the risk that with Covid-19 virus that has 98,9% survival rate and I’ll be safe.”
11% responded as undecided after the last announcement they do not know or maybe if it will be confirmed as a safe vaccine
Covid Safe measures stay in place for a long time since vaccine will not prevent spreading of virus
You should consider how you can protect yourself and others from coronavirus. No matter what your level of risk you should:
New COVID-19 regulations at all airport MANDATORY FACE MASKS
A person at all Australia airport must:
Vaccines save lives purpose of vaccines
Vaccines save millions of lives each year. Vaccines work by training and preparing the body’s natural defences, the immune system, to recognize and fight off the viruses and bacteria they target. If the body is exposed to those disease-causing germs later, the body is immediately ready to destroy them, preventing illness.

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