It’s Christmas Time with overcrowded shopping centres Santa
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Yeah it’s Christmas time & shopping centres are overcrowded everyone is shopping for Christmas, full trolleys that this time the trolley’s are not full of toilet paper & children want to see Santa Clause. Everyone trying to get Christmas gifts. People everywhere.
I spent 30 minutes today driving in circles like a vulture to get at least 1 parking spot.
More people at shopping centres than last year. Western Australia just hit 8 months without community Covid-19 transmission, well done. Tough restriction at the beginning of this pandemic worked well for Western Australia.
It’s Christmas Time with overcrowded shopping centres Santa is in every shop in Perth and across the suburbs
You do not see anymore in Western Australias in shopping centres social distancing or people wearing face masks nor personal protection equipment. Can we announce the victory against the Covid-19 in Perth Western Australia?
Since 5th of December enforcing tough regulations that we need to register everywhere, but our shopping centres are overcrowded. There is no registration needed
Many Western Australians think that regulations and compulsory registration was announced as a precaution for opening borders with other states of Australia.
I just do not understand the purpose since you need to buy tickets for events, register in every restaurant using the SafeWA app or paper register, but you can walk freely in an overcrowded shopping centre browsing shops without any hassles.
We have made a public survey asking 100’s of people if they would get vaccinated if the vaccine will be available tomorrow.
From hundreds of people 89% said NO “Mate that vaccines that have 95% efficiency I would rather take the risk that with Covid-19 virus that has 98,9% survival rate and I’ll be safe.”
11% responded as undecided after the last announcement they do not know or maybe if it will be confirmed as safe vaccine
The Western Australian economy is booming with full shops and restaurants showing that there will be a spending record this Christmas and it will exceed expectations
Western Australia is back on track, back in black as before the Covid-19 pandemic since we have had 0 community transmissions in the last 8 months.
Some people think that the Western Australian government should keep 14 days self-isolation for interstate visitors as a precaution to keep our state free of Covid-19. Many said even the states that have low-risk should still self-isolate for 14 days or using hotels to mitigate the risk to 0 and register or use the SafeWA app in every restaurant will not be necessary.
It’s Christmas Time with overcrowded shopping centres with Santa Claus welcoming locals around Perth
Mark McGowan about Consumer confidence post Covid-19,
The results are in WA consumers are more confident about their short and long term future than they have been for a decade.
This is a stunning set of data from the CCIWA – it would be an absolutely incredible result at any time, let alone during a global pandemic.
This data proves again that WA’s efforts to protect our State’s health throughout this year has also paid off for our economy.
By following the health advice, and only moving to our controlled interstate border regime when it was safe to do so, Western Australians have the confidence to buy, build and make the most of our State’s remarkable position.
As we continue on the path to recovery and to implement our WA Recovery Plan, one thing is clear: our strong health response means a stronger state economy.
Will Western Australia will achieve record spending in the history of our state this Christmas? It looks that way
Based on health advice from WA’s Chief Health Officer South Australia will transition to the low-risk category from 12:01am tomorrow, Friday, 11 December.
From tomorrow, travellers who are arriving from, or have transited through SA in the previous 14 days will be able to enter Western Australia but will need to complete 14 days of self-quarantine at a suitable premise.
Travellers should download the G2G Now app prior to arriving in WA to allow for digital quarantine checks during their 14 day quarantine period.
Arrivals will also be subject to the following conditions of entry:
Completed G2G PASS registration and declaration
Must present for a COVID-19 test on day 11
For more advice on WA’s controlled border please visit: Based on health advice from WA’s Chief Health Officer South Australia will transition to the low risk category from 12:01am tomorrow, Friday, 11 December.
From tomorrow, travellers who are arriving from, or have transited through SA in the previous 14 days will be able to enter WA, but will need to complete 14 days of self-quarantine at suitable premises.
Travellers should download the G2G Now app prior to arriving in WA to allow for digital quarantine checks during their 14 day quarantine period.
Arrivals will also be subject to the following conditions of entry:
Must be prepared to take a COVID-19 test at the airport COVID clinic, if deemed necessary by a health clinician (voluntary asymptomatic testing available for all airport arrivals)
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